Friday, 31 December 2010
New Year Resolution Suggestion: Give Up Dieting!
Eating fewer calories than your body needs is likely to cause you health problems like eating disorders and osteoporosis, and will NOT make you slim. - Here is how to lose excess weight without counting calories or going hungry: cut down on salt and salty food. This reduces the fluid retention which is the basic cause of overweight or obesity. You will definitely lose weight - and you will lose it rapidly and safely.
Salt/Sodium in foods
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Many painful, crippling adverse effects from taking Levaquin or other Fluoroquinolone antibiotics
Don't become part of the statistics. Avoid prescription drugs if you can.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Vitamin D lowers breast cancer risk: study suggests
Laboratory studies have suggested that Vitamin D may have a number of anti-cancer effects and has been shown to slow the spread of cancer cells.
Read article in The Times of India
Average man in the year 2000 over a stone heavier than he was in 1986
Scientists from Oxford University’s British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group have analysed data on body weight along with changes in the amount of food people consumed over the 15-year time period. See news item. They found that the average man in the year 2000 is over a stone heavier than he was in 1986. But "Dr Peter Scarborough of the Department of Public Health at Oxford University, who led the research, said: ‘We looked at how much food was available over time, accounting for food that’s wasted or thrown away. It’s clear people are eating more, and today we’re seeing a continued increase in the amount of food available.’"
I don't myself find that Dr Scarborough's conclusion follows from the data. For one thing "the actual observed increase in average male weight of 7.7kg was much more than expected from the extra food available to men in 2000." The researchers then use the usual get-out of ascribing this discrepancy to a reduction in physical activity. - But remember, folks, exercise - even a lot of exercise over a long period - produces little or no weight loss, even though researchers constantly claim that it does. - Exercise is not the answer - not even part of the answer - to the increasing problem of obesity and its attendant ill-health.
For another thing, there is no mention of salt in the article, and yet the fastest, safest and most reliable way to lose excess weight is to reduce salt/sodium intake.
Thirdly, there is no mention of the constantly increasing number of pharmaceutical drugs being prescribed by GPs and other healthcare workers, when weight gain is a very common side-effect of many, or even most, prescribed drugs. These drugs include steroids, HRT, tricyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-epileptics and many more that are frequently over-prescribed and frequently unmonitored. (The weight gain is because of fluid retention resulting from weakened blood vessel walls/ salt sensitivity.)
Fourthly, the research is funded by the BHF, who have as their constant refrain the need for calorie reduction and taking more exercise to lose weight, and yet that is not at all a good, or even a likely, way to lose excess weight. The BHF would be unlikely to publish or give prominence to research findings at variance with their reiterated advice. As likely as politicians on the make being heard telling the truth, I reckon. I am not an admirer of the BHF and its iffy advice and constant plugging of statins, a drug that does more harm than good to most of the people who take it.
So I would favour other factors as more likely reasons for the heavier weight of men. These would include as major causes:
1) taking more prescription drugs and not being told of the need to avoid salt and salty food when taking the ones that cause sodium retention/ fluid retention
2) the irresponsibly high concentrations of salt that food companies add to their processed foods and to their bread
3) dieting - by which I mean eating fewer calories than the individual's body requires and/or expending more energy by way of taking more exercise.
A lesser cause would be the increasing amounts of oestrogen in the drinking water supply because it and other sodium retention-causing compounds are excreted in the urine of women on 'the pill' or on HRT and so enter the water table.
And of course the heavier you are the more calories you need, both to carry your heavier body around and service its organs, and to keep the heavier body warm, since heat lost from a body is proportional to the surface area of the body, and the heavier person tends to have a bigger surface area than the lighter person.
Posted by Willow at 11:29 PM ShareThis
Labels: BHF, British Heart Foundation, Dr Peter Scarborough, Exercise, Obesity, weight gain
brightgreenish The green hijack of the Met Office is crippling Britain - Telegraph via @Telegraph 13 hours ago · reply
brightgreenish Safe anti-flu measures: hand washing good nutrition avoid salt and salty food avoid rubbing your eyes wrap up warmly … yesterday · reply
brightgreenish #Zhueyu Zhou yesterday · reply
brightgreenish @edjrogers Carer came early so OK for time...(o: Margaret 2 days ago · reply

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- ▼ December (27)
- Average man in the year 2000 over a stone heavier ...
- Gifts we can all afford to give - every day
- Indian study finds that most hip fracture patients...
- Did you know there is a European Childhood Obesity...
- Are you unsteady on your feet? A bit wobbly? Prone...
- Concerned about Animal Welfare? Access to pasture?...
- Good News: 7 influential UK health groups are revi...
- Do YOU think that illegal drugs should be decrimin...
- Ten Food Additives to avoid
- NHS Cumbria's director of Public Health favours se...
- NHS appeals for blood donations because of low sto...
- Pfizer and its calamitous drug trials in Nigeria....
- Will oranges become the next frankenfood?
- Dangers for elderly patients who regularly take op...
- Be amazed at how quickly your health improves when...
- Yet another Johnson and Johnson Product Recall
- I reckon that taking painkillers is a habit best a...
- Tony Blair recalled to Iraq War Inquiry
- How to avoid/reduce/minimise weight gain from pres...
- Butter: is Good, Better and Best
- Too much salt in ready-made Sunday lunches
- Andrew Lansley, UK's Health Secretary, does not fa...
- Well done to the Daily Mail for campaigning about ...
- Medical Journals Complicit in Corruption
- EU disregards first ever citizens' petition
- 13% increase in written complaints about NHS and c...
- Study links tricyclic antidepressants to increased...
- ► November (37)
- EU Consumers reject GM food
- More retailers are being asked to use ‘reared with...
- Low Carb, High Fat: LCHF. This is such an engaging...
- The Telegraph reports that drug and cosmetics firm...
- Bernard Matthews: A man whose debased food product...
- EU announces ban on use of bisphenol A (BPA) in ba...
- Nutrition Science or Nutrition Science Betrayed?
- An apocalyptic vision of the future for Ireland's ...
- Justin Webb is turning me off the Today programme
- Just say No to GMOs!
- Thinking of having a flu jab?
- Improve your health by eating more like the hunter...
- The transgressions of the EU and the folly of the ...
- Suggestion for makers and sellers of tiny softgels...
- Overpaid top hospital consultants continue to ride...
- Prescribed medications are responsible for more th...
- Dr Mercola pillories drug industry's corporate cri...
- Truthman speaks out against GlaxoSmithKline
- Study suggests garlic capsules help to lower high ...
- I lost 50 pounds excess weight in 14 months by sim...
- Today is World Diabetes Day
- Department of Health favours Big Business over Pub...
- NHS provides poor care for elderly surgery patient...
- ▼ December (27)

Sunday, 26 December 2010
Gifts we can all afford to give - every day
a friendly smile
a sincere compliment
a listening ear
useful information
I'm sure you can add more to the list yourself. I hope you all had a happy day yesterday.- I did. - It was great to meet some new people and to share thoughts and friendliness with them. - I wish you a happy day today.
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Indian study finds that most hip fracture patients are deficient in vitamin D
Read article at
Vitamin D is necessary for so many aspects of health and conversely there are a multitude of health problems that result from deficiency of vitamin D. - Worth making sure that you are not deficient in this vital vitamin, which is, unfortunately, the nutrient that research keeps finding most people in the developed world actually are short of.
Friday, 24 December 2010
Did you know there is a European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG)?
Let's just pick on one guy: Richard Storey. I don't know him or any of the other people who attended the congress. I've just arbitrarily picked on him. - I see that he is Chief Strategy Officer, M&C Saatchi, London, and that his brief is Communicating the messages of obesity prevention to the public. - What d'you think? Think he's doing a good job? Are the messages getting through? - Is child obesity being reduced? Are obese children learning how to combat their very great problems of constantly being insulted and sneered at and bullied and being given the wrong information and advice, and the wrong sort of food? - Or are the messages about obesity prevention that Mr Storey is giving out the same damaging, ineffective pre-digested gobbets of misinformation that obese adults and children have been force-fed for decades now?
If he's plugging the low-fat, calorie-counting garbage that the self-serving Food Industry pushes, then the incidence and severity of obesity will continue to soar. If he's saying that exercise promotes weight loss then he's helping no-one to lose excess weight. If he himself is slim and fit and thinks that 'eating less and exercising more' reduces obesity then he's plain WRONG, and if he thinks that dieting is helpful and that weight loss drugs and weight loss surgery have a part to play in reducing child obesity then I would profoundly disagree with him.
But Mr Storey may not be treading the doom-laden path I have envisaged. He may be giving the correct advice after all. In which case I'm surprised that it's not been headlined in the press and trumpeted in the broadcast media. Too much salt and salty food is the principal, the most important, the overwhelming, cause of child obesity. Children need to have a low intake of salt/sodium in order to prevent damaging fluid retention/weight gain and also to avoid developing a taste for salty food. Too much sugar can also cause unhealthy weight gain, but salt is a major culprit that most people do not know about. An obese child who is fed food containing no added salt will lose weight rapidly, easily and safely. - No dieting, no hunger, no drugs, no exhausting strenuous exercise: it's a no-brainer.
I invite Richard Storey to read my child obesity page, my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection, and the other information on my website, and to read some of the stuff on my blog/s. I wish him success in his mission.
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Are you unsteady on your feet? A bit wobbly? Prone to falling?
Here is news of recent studies that have found that for older people, taking exercise and taking vitamin D supplements is associated with reduced risk of falls. This was certainly my own experience, coupled with much greater muscle strength that makes it easier to rise from a chair, and much more confident walking. If you decide to take vitamin D supplements, then be aware that Vitamin D3 is the more effective version of this vitamin supplement. You could be saving yourself from a fall and a consequent broken bone or two. - Well worth taking the tablets...(o:
Vitamin D is one of the vitamins that are soluble in fat, so the best way to take Vitamin D supplements is with or after a meal that contains some fat.
It's also vital to improve your dietary intake, of course. - Healthy, natural, unsalted food, raw or cooked from scratch, is more likely to reward you with a healthy body than feeding it processed, highly-salted, sugar-laden, chemical-drenched, nutrient-low, denatured junk, isn't it? - Take care of your body! It's the only one you've got. - Saving money by choosing to eat cheap, processed rubbish instead of real food, preferably organic, is the most costly economy measure you could take, because it could cost you your health.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Concerned about Animal Welfare? Access to pasture? Healthy food?
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Good News: 7 influential UK health groups are revising their position on Vitamin D
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Do YOU think that illegal drugs should be decriminalised?
The main drug-pushers in the country are, of course, the doctors, largely paid by the state - and their recklessly high prescribing of drugs, most of which do far more harm than good, e.g. statins, antidepressants and antipsychotics, is arguably a primary cause of the drug culture pervading and damaging so much of our society.
Here's a contrarian viewpoint with information you may not have encountered before: The secret history of Big Pharma's role in creating and marketing heroin, LSD, meth, Ecstasy and speed.
Ten Food Additives to avoid
Saturday, 18 December 2010
NHS Cumbria's director of Public Health favours seasonal flu vaccine propaganda on Eastenders and other TV soaps
NHS Cumbria's director of Public Health favours seasonal flu vaccine propaganda on EastEnders and other TV soaps, as reported here.
If you favour staying healthy without recourse to vaccines or other drugs, and favour your TV drama unlaced with propaganda, then you may like to consider supplementing your diet this winter with Vitamin D3 tablets and with Vitamin C. Good nutrition is the safest medicine. Another way to improve your nutrition is to reduce your intake of salt and salty food.
Read this very informative page:
See also
NHS appeals for blood donations because of low stocks
Friday, 17 December 2010
Pfizer and its calamitous drug trials in Nigeria.
Will oranges become the next frankenfood?
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Dangers for elderly patients who regularly take opioid painkillers
Yet there is a completely safe and very effective way to reduce the pain/severity of osteo-arthritis, and it does not involve taking pharmaceutical drugs. - You just need to avoid salt and salty food as much as you can. - The less salt you eat, the less pain you will experience from your arthritis...(o: And, since you will also lose some excess water weight from your body which salt has been holding there, there will be less wear and tear on your joints, not having to carry so much water around. - So give salt the elbow, and say goodbye both to so much pain and to dangerous drugs. - See salt/sodium in foods.
Monday, 13 December 2010
Be amazed at how quickly your health improves when you stop eating salt and salty food
See Lose weight by eating less salt! and Sodium in Foods.
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Yet another Johnson and Johnson Product Recall
I reckon that taking painkillers is a habit best avoided, especially for children
Give a kiss and a hug,
Not a painkiller drug.
Older children can be encouraged to be a 'big boy' or a 'big girl' when they experience pain and to be rewarded with approval for their stoicism. This could serve them well in later years. Our society is too dependent on pharmaceutical drugs, which, on the whole, do far, far more harm than good.
Friday, 10 December 2010
Tony Blair recalled to Iraq War Inquiry
Read article on the Sky News website
Thursday, 9 December 2010
How to avoid/reduce/minimise weight gain from prescribed steroids
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Butter: is Good, Better and Best
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Too much salt in ready-made Sunday lunches
These groups of people are vulnerable to salt. They need to minimise their salt intake.
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Andrew Lansley, UK's Health Secretary, does not favour regulation to improve public health
Are you vulnerable to salt? Here is the safe, sure way to lose excess weight fast by cutting down on salt and salty food.
Friday, 3 December 2010
Well done to the Daily Mail for campaigning about the appalling care provided to far too many elderly patients by our unaccountable NHS!
So very well done to the Daily Mail for campaigning about the appalling care accorded to far too many elderly patients by our non-accountable NHS, and for making a large donation to the Patients Association, a charity that tries to help victims of poor NHS treatment.
Medical Journals Complicit in Corruption
Read article on the website of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (USA)
EU disregards first ever citizens' petition
Read article at
Thursday, 2 December 2010
13% increase in written complaints about NHS and community services
A previous Chair of the Patients Association told me years ago that she did not know of even one case of a complainant being satisfied with the response to their complaint. My own experience of the NHS Complaints Procedures is that the complainant is actually punished for making the complaint, and nothing at all is done to help the complainant or to prevent appalling treatment from happening again. Indeed, that the healthcare staff complained about are routinely protected from censure or sanction, ensures that poor treatment will be repeated.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Study links tricyclic antidepressants to increased risk of CVD
Since antidepressants do not work anyway, doctors should not be prescribing them. Don't doctors ever read research about antidepressants? Don't they care about the harm their prescribed drugs cause their unfortunate patients? The very tiny likelihood of benefit from them is far, far outweighed by the harm they do, and the risk of further harm, including brain damage in later life.
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