Who could disagree with that? - Treating the cause and therefore preventing illness must be better than dealing with symptoms, and trying to cure or reduce problems later is clearly the less desirable course.
However, the following statement perturbs me: "Drugs which inhibit the nutrient pathways in humans could replicate the effects of a healthy diet and act not only to increase lifespan but to target a broad range of ageing related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes and Alzheimer's." - What brave new world is this? - Drugs to replicate the effects of a healthy diet? - Why not a healthy diet and to Hell with the drugs?
My experience and study have led me to realise that the illnesses we most commonly tend to attribute to ageing are really not caused by the passage of years, but by the damage wrought by salt sensitivity/fluid retention/oedema/excess weight or by inadequate nutrition, frequently caused by 'dieting' to try to lose weight or by taking prescription drugs with harmful side-effects.
All of these health problems can be reduced or avoided by avoiding taking prescription drugs unless they are absolutely necessary, by avoiding salt and salty food and by optimising nutrition with plenty of good healthy meals and no low-calorie diet junk or dodgy additives.
Lose weight, reduce your risk of most cancers, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, heart attack, vascular dementia, stroke, osteopenia, osteoporosis, hypercholesterolaemia, depression, liver and kidney problems, and improve your health in many other ways without drugs, hunger or expense by eating less salt! - Try it!
See my website www.wildeaboutsteroids.co.uk
The site does not sell anything and has no banners or sponsors or adverts - just helpful information.
Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection
http://www.wildeaboutsteroids.co.uk/story.html - my 'political' page
http://www.wildeaboutsteroids.co.uk/socio.html - social and economic considerations
See advice for pregnant mothers
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