Lose weight by eating less salt! - Go on! - Try it! - You will feel so much better!
See my website
Wilde About Steroids

Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection

Read my Mensa article on Cruelty, Negligence and the Abuse of Power in the NHS: Fighting the System

Read about the cruel treatment I suffered at the Sheffield Dental Hospital: Long In The Toothache

You can contact me by email from my website. The site does not sell anything and has no banners, sponsors or adverts - just helpful information about how salt can cause obesity.

Monday 18 January 2010

Ill-informed heart surgeon urges that butter should be banned.

The Express reports that heart surgeon, Shyam Kolvekar, of London’s Heart Hospital, would like butter to be banned and for people to switch to low-fat margarine. What a pity that he is not up-to-date with research in this field and is therefore giving bad advice to people. - See More up-to-date research that concludes that saturated fat does NOT cause heart disease.

High salt intake can contribute to heart disease - as well as to obesity, high blood pressure, and stroke.

See Sodium in foods

Lose weight safely.

Fat retention and fat excretion: the importance of getting enough calcium.

Read my Mensa article on Obesity and the Salt Connection

1 comment:

  1. The same rubbish was churned out in the Daily Mail.

    Just days after saturated fats have been officially proven not to cause heart disease, as in your posting on Dr. Briffa last Friday.

    Hopefully changes are underway, but it's like turning a supertanker. Slow, slow....
